Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Barry Collins

Barry Collins

  • Media Contact
  • SPN Mentor

My laboratory research focused on the symbolic meanings (stereotypes, stigma) associated with specific, concrete behaviors (e.g., compliance in the Milgram paradigm, condom proposals, physical attractiveness, etc.) I have studied barriers to condom use, ADDH, and other health-related public policy issues. As an expert witness in the Ogborn vs. McDonald's strip search scam, I deconstructed the 3.5 hour telephone scam that led to sexual assault, and I identified how McDonald's management practices contributed to the success of the caller's social influence strategy. I have been a member/vice-chair/chair of the UCLA IRB (human subjects ethical issues) focusing on survey and behavioral research. I have served as the research director of Healthy African American Families II, a south Los Angeles community-based organization that focuses on community health and community/ university-based researcher collaborations.

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Close Relationships
  • Communication, Language
  • Culture and Ethnicity
  • Ethics and Morality
  • Health Psychology
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Person Perception
  • Persuasion, Social Influence
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Research Methods, Assessment
  • Self and Identity


  • Brewer, M. B., & Collins, B. E. (Eds.). (1981). Scientific inquiry and the social sciences: A volume in honor of Donald T. Campbell. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Collins, B. E. (1970). Social psychology: Social influence, attitude change, small groups, and prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Kiesler, C., Collins, B. E., & Miller, N. (1969). Attitude change: A critical analysis of theoretical approaches. New York: Wiley.

Journal Articles:

  • Carlsmith, J. M., Collins, B. E., & Helmreich, R. L. (1966). Studies in forced compliance: I. The effect of pressure for compliance on attitudes change produced by face-to-face role playing and anonymous essay writing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4, 1-13.
  • Chung, B., Corbett, C. E., Boulet, B., Cummings, J. R., Paxton, K., McDaniel, S., Mercier, S. O., Franklin, C., Mercier, E., Jones, Collins, B. E., Koegel, P., Duan, Wells, K., & Glik, D. (2006). A description of a community-academic partnered project to engage an African-American community around depression through the use of poetry, film, and photography. Ethnicity and Disease,16(1), S1-67-S1-78.
  • Collins, B. E., & Hoyt, M. F. (1972). Personal responsibility-for consequences: An integration and extension of the "forced compliance" literature. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 8, 558-593.
  • Collins, B. E., & Reed, G. M. (1994). Ten principles proposed as policy guidelines for mental health intervention research and mental health services among persons living with HIV/AIDS. Social Rehabilitation, 17, 83-95.
  • Conley, T. D., Collins, B. E., & Garcia, D. (2000). Perceptions of condom users among Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, and European Americans. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
  • Helweg-Larsen, M., & Collins, B. E. (1994). The UCLA multidimensional condom attitudes scale: documenting the complex determinants of condom use in college students. Health Psychology, 13, 224-237.
  • Miller, A. G., Collins, B. E., & Brief, D. E. (1995). Perspectives on obedience to authority: The legacy of the Milgram experiments. Journal of Social Issues, 51, 1-19.
  • Mintz, L. I., & Collins, B. E. (1985). Qualitative influence on the perception movement: An experimental study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 13, 143-153.
  • Savell, J. M., Woefel, J. C., Collins, B. E., & Bentler, P. M. (1979). A study of male and female soldiers' beliefs about the “appropriateness" of various jobs for women in the army. Sex Roles, 41-50.

Other Publications:

  • Chung, B., Jones, L., Jones, L., Corbett C. E., Booker, T., Wells, K. B., & Collins, B. E. (2009). Using community arts events to enhance collective efficacy and community engagement to address depression in an african american community. American Journal of Public Health, 99, 237-244.
  • Collins, B. E. (2004). What is beautiful is exciting and socially attractive. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Meetings May, 2004.
  • Collins, B. E., Whalen, C. K., Henker, B. (1980). Ecological and pharmacological influences of behaviors in the classroom: The hyperkinetic syndrome. In J. Antrobus, S. Salziner, & J. Glick (Eds.), The eco-system of the "sick kid." New York: Academic Press.

Barry Collins
2641 Golden Rain Road, #3
Walnut Creek, California 94595
United States of America

  • Home: (310) 474-6023
  • Mobile: (310) 562-7023
  • Fax: (866) 206-8503
  • Skype Name: barry.e.collins

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